Huge burr sycamore tree

First of all, I’d like to wish you all a belated Merry Christmas! – I’ve been incredibly busy over the past few weeks and had little chance of updating my blog. However, I was processing some more of the elm this morning and took some photo’s of this beauty…

At over four feet across in places, this burr sycamore trunk is certainly a heavy lump. It is covered in burr, which forms a carpet right along on side. Even the branches are burry, though they're buried somewhere in my pile of elm!

It certainly has some gnarly features…


Loads of burr!...


I acquired it as part of the large stack I bought, as mentioned in a previous post. I put it to one side a few weeks ago, but have been far too busy to cut it up. This will hopefully be my next task, as I’m dying to see inside – I’ve already chalked up some bowl blanks on the outside, but the rain has washed them off!

I’ll certainly be posting some more photo’s, when it’s in pieces…


Huge natural edge yew bowl


Burr elm tea light holders