Burr elm tea light holders

These must be the smallest elm burrs I’ve had to date, though beautiful none the less! As you may have guessed, these are the first pieces made from my stack of elm and they’re packed with rustic features…

Whilst sorting out the big sections for my natural edge bowls, I was left with so many interesting smaller pieces – being exactly the same quality as the larger stock, they were far too nice for firewood!

Each one has a sanded base and three soft feet underneath. Since the range of sizes is vast, they are difficult to represent in my gallery, however please contact me if you’d like one and I’ll send you some details of the latest selection.

Here’s both a large and a small one, showing all the gnarly spikes. They come complete with a scented candle, which sits inside a glass dish…


Huge burr sycamore tree


Spalted beech salt and pepper mills