This summers exhibition

Here’s some photo’s an exhibition I’m taking part in at the moment. Set within the magnificent Dacre Hall at Lanercost Priory, the ancient walls and rustic beams look superb as a backdrop to the display…

It’s not often I emerge from the workshop these days, so it’s nice to do something different for a change! Until the end of September, I’ll be displaying a good selection of my turnings at lanercost Priory, including some larger fruit bowls and distinctive natural edge pieces. There will also be work on display by some of Cumbria’s top craftspeople..

Philip Greenalgh makes beautiful willow baskets…


Some of the ceramics by Peter Wareing…


Hand made hooks by blacksmith David Stephenson…


One of the landscape paintings by Sue Slack…


Lanercost Priory is only a short distance from Brampton, about fifteen minutes from Carlisle off the M6. There is a fantastic tea room nearby, with Hadrian’s Wall just around the corner – a perfect day out!


You're welcome to call in during my open studio


Pippy yew